
March 27, 2020

Spring housekeeping

I made my first personal website over 15 years ago. A strong will, but very little content to put on it – as surprising as it may seem for a in sixth grade boy.

Over the years, as I discovered computers and started various projects, I developed it over and over again. It was my big summer project, "a new website", more modern, more interactive, more complete.

But now I haven't been paying a lot of attention to it anymore. My work has come closer to what used to be hobbies and passions, and I have nothing left to show on it; everything is "in progress", "unfinished".

I no longer post, I don't know what to post. What tone to adopt. What to tell.

You change, you grow. Old notes, high school and preparatory classes stories, drawings of childhood and adolescence, they no longer make much sense to show.

You want to open up, to appear "serious"; you are afraid of being "cold", "distant"; and you don't say anything.

So, before opening a new chapter in my online life, I finally cleaned up a bit. I drew a line between the intimate and the public; between the anecdotal and the meaningful. I archived the blog notes, a little out of date; I kept the greeting cards, a tale of artistic and digital experiments.

I haven't only removed content: I've also brought a lot of new things. Some photos, which I had never published before. A new home page, to highlight more the content, and less the news – which are becoming rare. And above all, this site is now bilingual, with a (partial) translation in English.

Among the new things displayed here, I decided to undertake my balanced alimentation. Here is my most accomplished art project so far: pasta.

You'll see more on instagram : @tomatopastepasta.

I also created a personal instagram account, eventually:

Don't leave yet – there's a lot to come, for sure!